Elliott Erwitt once said this about photography’s purpose: “It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
On a Sunday in January, Bryson Moberley spent the afternoon snapping photos of Adopt-A-Family buildings and spaces, either endowing his shots with vibrant color or allowing natural light to do the work.
Bryson’s photos exemplify Erwitt’s famous quote. Have a look!

Here’s a wide shot of our Lake Worth office.

A Project Grow classroom brightly rendered to reveal its elements.

Our Project Grow playground canopied by a tree – a nice contrast to the lush green hues of the natural environment.

The Grow basketball court replete with chalk art – proof of its multiple uses.

A richly rendered photo of the Program REACH office.

Thanks to Bryson, the pastel-colored facades of the Julian Place townhomes pop with vibrancy.

We recently caught up with Celine J., an Adopt-A-Family success story from the Senator Philip D. Lewis Center and Program REACH.
Celine, can you share a bit about what caused you to fall on difficult times?
After my partner and I separated, things began to fall apart. Going from a two-income household to just me, was life-altering and scary for me and my children.
My rent was over $1,400, I had a car payment, and all my other bills were simply too much for me to stay on my feet. I was working a pretty good job but it wasn’t enough to sustain my expenses. We ended up homeless and lost nearly everything. My car was repossessed and on top of it all, I found out I was pregnant only a month later. My pregnancy was very rough and I was put on bed-rest for the majority of it. This inevitably caused me to lose my job. Everything in my life was coming undone.
It was then I found out about Adopt-A-Family’s Lewis Center office. The team helped me right away (the same day of my appointment). My caseworker told me she wouldn’t let my precious children and I spend another night not knowing where we’d stay. The team worked fast to ensure I’d have a roof over my head. After staying several nights in a hotel, I was referred to Program REACH, an emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness. Everything began turning for the better.
How did participating in the program change your life?
The kids (I have 10-year old twins and a healthy 5-month old baby girl) loved it here.
Having stability and a foundation made us feel safe again. - Celine J. Share on X
In addition to my case manager helping me find a new job, we were introduced to a number of community resources: I learned budgeting skills, developed a savings plan, and worked with a housing specialist toward finding affordable housing that fell within my existing budget. In a matter of weeks, my housing specialist found a beautiful (and most importantly, affordable) home to call my own. With my newly acquired budgeting skills and savings plan, I was able purchase a reliable used vehicle without the need of a car loan. Going to and from work will now be easier than ever without the need to rely on public transportation.
What will you remember most about your time at Adopt-A-Family?
Sometimes people fall flat on their faces and just may need a second chance. I needed Adopt-A-Family to help rebuild my life. I was pushed to work hard all while being treated with compassion, kindness, respect, and a family spirit. I’ll never forget my family at Adopt-A-Family.
And, neither will my children.
*Celine’s name was changed for privacy purposes.
Our #GiveAAF17 mission statement: A stable home creates opportunities for our families. We cannot change lives without you. When you give to Adopt-A-Family for this year’s Great Give, you are creating the opportunity for our children and families to grow.