Peek Inside The Project

Construction Updates
November 2020
Third Avenue Homes is officially named Julian Place, a name chosen by the project’s lead donors in honor of their beloved grandson who embodied the spirit of this community.
September 2020
May 2020
The construction team put the finishing touches on Third Avenue Homes. The team striped parking spaces, added landscaping and completed the irrigation for the development.
February 2020
The Third Avenue Homes gets painted.
September 2019
Third Avenue Homes has officially gone vertical!
August 2019
Water, sewer, and fire lines have been installed, and the prep work to place all overhead utility lines underground was finished as well. The future parking lot was excavated and filled with rock to prepare for the porous concrete drainage system. The completion of all site work and land development has laid a solid foundation for the buildings that will be raised in the coming months. The next phase of construction will focus on the foundations of the three residential buildings and community center. Work on the first building, which will house six families, is well underway (pictured). The construction team poured the first foundation on August 29.

August 8, 2019

August 29, 2019
July 2019
Watch the video below to see the exciting changes that have occurred between May and June 2019. Construction is still moving along as you will see in the time lapse video. The agency is excited to see the changes that will transpire in the coming months!
June 2019

April 2019

June 2019
Adopt-A-Family is thrilled to announce that construction on Third Avenue Homes began in April 2019! The project site has been completely cleared, creation of building pads has begun and the parking lot areas have been excavated to allow for drainage improvements as well as underground utility and sewer line placement. Stuart & Shelby Development has the project slated for completion in the spring of 2020.
The Capital Campaign Committee continues to meet regularly, and agency staff will meet with our partners at Highland Elementary School to refine the programmatic framework of Third Avenue Homes in the coming months.
In The News
Adopt-A-Family opens new housing complex for families in Palm Beach County facing homelessness
November 17, 2020, WPTV
3 Things
June 18, 2019, South Florida Weekend
Adopt-A-Family to build 14 Lake Worth homes for homeless families
November 15, 2018, The Sun-Sentinel
New plan could combat homelessness in South Florida
November 12, 2018, WPTV
Bill Peterson’s odyssey: From Ken Starr subpoena to aiding the homeless
October 3, 2018, Palm Beach Post
Adopt-A-Family donors give $500,000 for Third Avenue Homes affordable housing unit
August 20, 2018, Sun Sentinel
$1 million gift helps pay for 14 homes coming to Lake Worth by 2020
May 25, 2018, Palm Beach Post