Just Released: Adopt-A-Family’s 2016 Annual Report.
Today, Adopt-A-Family released our 2016 Annual Report for digital download. In the past year, we provided access to services to 2,167 Palm Beach County families while ending or preventing an episode of homelessness for 635 families. Most importantly, our programmatic accomplishments could not be possible without our dedicated funders, supporters, staff, and friends to the agency.
Outlined in the report, you will learn more about the highlights of the 2015-16 fiscal year that included assuming operational capacity of Program REACH, a partnership with Palm Beach County to ensure the emergency shelter for families with children would remain open.
“Although we can confidently say that we are making an impact, we also know that much more needs to be done. While the resources may never truly meet the needs, we will continually strive to provide life-changing services to as many families as possible. We will need you, the dedicated Adopt-A-Family community and new friends to the agency, more than ever this coming year.” -Garth Rosenkrance, Chairman of the Board, and Matt Constantine, CEO.
Learn more about key Adopt-A-Family service areas:
Promoting self-sufficiency through innovative housing programs for families with children
Children kindergarten through fifth grade in need of quality afterschool programming.
Families at risk of becoming homelessness through Palm Beach County.
Our updated Annual Report includes special features highlighting The Benjamin School partnership, the Wiley Reynolds Society, and a tribute to long-time board member, Ruth Hennessy. New features include “Adopt-A-Family Quotables” directly from the perspective of the families we proudly serve.
To view the annual report electronically, click on issuu below. To download a high-resolution PDF for print, click here.